About Ramakrishna Mission
The Ramakrishna Mission is an international religious organisation, started by Swami Vivekananda on 1st May 1897 in KolkataIndia. Sri Ramakrishna is its central source of all power and all activities going on in his name are regarded as a manifestation of his divine mission. The Ramakrishna Mission is present in Mauritius since 1939 and became recognised as a Religious and Charitable Institution through enactment in Parliament in 1942

about us
History of the Ramakrishna Mission in Mauritius
Early days
In 1939, a group of sincere devotees in Mauritius requested the Ramakrishna Mission in Kolkata, India; to send a spiritual leader to preach Sanatan Dharma on the island. In October 1939, Swami Ghananandaji arrived and started religious and cultural activities on the Island. The Ramakrishna Mission, Mauritius branch became a recognized Religious and Charitable Institution of Mauritius by an Act of Parliament in 1942.

Laying of foundation stone of the Temple on 10th February 1974
The foundation stone of the present Temple building was laid by His Holiness Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj on the 10th February 1974. It took two years to complete the temple.
Dedication Ceremony of the temple 1976
The Ramakrishna Mission, performed the dedication ceremony of the temple in 1976. The message of Srimat Swami Vireswaranandaji on that occasion was
“This temple is open to all, to all people to whatever race or religion, caste or creed they may belong, whatever be their language, whether they are rich or poor, educated or non-educated, men or women. All can come and worship in this temple, and I have great pleasure to declare this temple open to one and all on this island of Mauritius".


Dedication ceremony of the marble image
of Sri Ramakrishna, April 1981
The dedication ceremony of the marble image of Sri Ramakrishna in the temple shrine was performed in April 1981 by His Holiness, Swami Gambhirananda ji Maharaj, who was then Vice President of the Ramakrishna Mission, India.
Swami Gitananda ji and many other senior swamis of the Mission were present to grace this auspicious occasion.
Since 1987 Swami Krishnarupananda Ji is the present President and Minister in Charge. He took over the activities of the ashram after the demise of Swami Balramananda in June 1987. Swamiji pulled down the old buildings and has constructed the present office and monk quarters and the new Retreat Centre. A major facelifting was given to the old school building to convert it into the present Library.
The Mission has two Swamis, Swami
Stavananda and Swami Gauripriyananda